Saturday, September 15, 2012

Male surgery

Lengthening your penis or shortening your pocket?

penis enlargement surgery
In recent years, surgery to enhance penile length or girth has become increasingly common, especially in private settings. Over the past 15 years a number of plastic and urologic surgeons have attempted to enhance the penile length and girth of healthy men for purely cosmetic reasons. However, this controversial procedure has led to a wide variety of poorly documented surgical techniques, with unconvincing results. It is, therefore, widely believed and accepted that penis surgery is not risk free. While there have been many advances made over the last ten years, there have been also many lawsuits filed over the same.
Following is a summary of some of the major concerns and drawbacks associated with penis surgery:

Penis surgery is not safe

According to the American urological association, the techniques and procedures used in penile  surgery have not at present been proven through research studies to be completely effective or safe. In fact, to date, there is no standard surgical technique, and much of the performed procedures are experimental. It is not known whether the potential benefits of the penile surgery outweigh the possible dangers associated with it.
Some of the frequently reported complications and drawbacks associated with penile  surgery include:
1.  Loss of erect upward angle of the penis
2.  Keloid scars (A thick scar. Scarring causing a shorter penis)
3.  Skin incision separation
4.  Bleeding
5.  Infection
6.  Fibrosis (thickening) of superficial vein of the penis affecting the blood flow
7.  Ecchymosis (bruising)
8.  Nerve injury resulting in decrease of penile sensation and activity
9.  Edema (temporary swelling of the skin)
10.Seroma (collection of serum under skin)
11.Erectile dysfunction (difficulty with erection)
12.Sexual dysfunction and further penile shortening are also reported complications of these penile enhancement procedures. If some of these complications occur, further surgery may be required.


All in all, before making the final decision to have penile  surgery whether it is penis widening or penis lengthening (or both), always discuss all of the complications, risks and factors (such as high costs) that could arise after the surgery. Most sexual health experts, therefore, recommend talking to your doctor about surgery strictly as a last resort, and really stress the "only as a last resort" part.

No improvement is often reported

It is important to note that about 5% men undergoing penile  surgery do not report an increase in either flaccid or erect penis length following surgery. In majority of cases, the penis is not actually lengthened but merely pulled further out of the body and the increase in length varies depending on the patient’s anatomy. Results generally range from 1 to 1/2" to 2" and there is no way to predict the length gain prior to surgery. In a small amount of cases, penis length is actually reduced due to the formation of scar tissue that contracts over time. A further drawback of the operation is once the suspensory ligaments have been cut, the angle of the erection can be significantly reduced.

Penis  surgery is very expensive

Penile  is a very costly surgery and in the United States can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000. Also, just because penis  surgery is the most expensive way, does not mean it is the best way. It does not even mean it is a good way or a safe way to make your penis bigger.  It is; therefore, best to think twice for the people who are willing to paying thousands of dollars for extra inches on a flaccid penis.